Tips, tricks & tidbits

Customize and Beautify

your Dubsado Forms

A little blog helping you to make your Dubsado forms less generic, more on brand and a whole lot prettier!

Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney

How to Create a Fixed Bottom Navigation in Dubsado

A fixed (or sticky) bottom navigation bar keeps the subtotal and submit button anchored at the bottom of the screen as your prospective clients scroll through your proposal.

This is particularly useful for longer forms, allowing clients to easily track their total as they select packages and add-ons. Additionally, it serves as a constant reminder for them to submit the form, reducing the likelihood of abandoned proposals.

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Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney

The Best Way to Embed Videos in Dubsado Forms

Adding videos to your Dubsado forms is a great way to engage leads and clients. Whether you're embedding a YouTube tutorial, a Vimeo showcase, or even a custom-hosted video, ensuring proper formatting will improve responsiveness, playback, and accessibility. This guide will walk you through embedding videos into Dubsado forms with the best settings for a seamless experience.

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Genie 4.0 Colin Tierney Genie 4.0 Colin Tierney

Introducing Genie 4.0 (Part 5): The Grand Finale—Dubsado Side Editing

We made it! It’s Day 5 of our 5 Days of Features, and we’re closing out this series with the star of the Genie 4.0 show: Dubsado Side Editing (DSE).

DSE isn’t just a feature—it’s a complete reimagining of how you interact with your Dub-ins templates. It’s the heart and soul of Genie 4.0, and it’s the reason we started this upgrade journey in the first place.

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Genie 4.0 Colin Tierney Genie 4.0 Colin Tierney

Introducing Genie 4.0 (Part 4): The Little Things That Make a Big Difference

If there’s one theme that ties Genie 4.0 together, it’s ease. From start to finish, we’ve prioritized your quality of life, creating a sleeker, friendlier platform that lets you focus on what matters most: building beautiful, functional templates. 

We’ve already shown you how effortless it is to edit plugins, add elements, and set Conditional Logic. But the improvements don’t stop there. Let’s talk about the little upgrades that pack a big punch.

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Business Tips Ann Losinski Business Tips Ann Losinski

How to Turn a Client Down if You Aren’t a Good Fit

When running a business, we encounter all different types of people. Part of our job as business owners is to ensure that we are able to do our jobs well and deliver our clients the highest possible results from our services. If you have been in business for any length of time, you will know that there are some people that are easier to work with you than others. There are people who you are so excited to work with and others who make you question whether you want to stay in business. This is a normal consequence of running a business.

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Business Tips Ann Losinski Business Tips Ann Losinski

How to Handle Overdue Payments as a Business Owner

As business owners, one of the most challenging things to deal with is money. For a lot of people, collecting payments and asking people to pay us can seem awkward, especially if a payment is late. But there are strategies that we can use in order to mitigate this, making it super easy for us to not feel as awkward when the situation is unfolding.

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Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney

How to Optimize Dubsado Images and Retrieve Image URLs for Code

Images on Dubsado forms can have a significant impact when it comes to representing your brand. However, the size of the image files you upload is often too large, resulting in longer loading times for your form. Discover effective ways to optimize these images and enhance your loading speed. Additionally, if you're utilizing code, learn how to effortlessly copy the image URL for seamless integration into your code.

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Business Tips Ann Losinski Business Tips Ann Losinski

How to Create an Amazing Onboarding Questionnaire

As a business owner, it is important to have a smooth onboarding process in order to ensure the success of your project with your clients. For many business owners, the onboarding phase is when you will be gathering information from your clients in order to ensure that you have everything you need to be able to successfully complete the project.

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Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney Dubsado Customizations Colin Tierney

How to Add a Chat Widget to your Dubsado Forms

It may seem superfluous to add a chat widget on your Dubsado forms. I get it. But hear me out! Let’s say you’re a designer and you’ve just finished an entire branding suite for your client. You’re using a proposal to showcase the work completed as a presentation to send to your client. What if there was a way for your client to communicate with you, on the fly, without having to open their email and request changes?

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